Category Archives: Mobile

Peggy Anne Salz No Longer at MoConews, Now Dedicates Herself to MSearchGroove Only

In my last post I pointed out that Peggy Anne Salz, a long-time blogger at MoCoNews who wrote some of the better analysis on the site, had launched her own site covering mobile search and content discovery.

This week I see she’s no longer listed at MoCoNews, so it appears she has decided to dedicate herself full-time to . If you want to read the news coverage and insight that made her a voice in the mobile content space, then I suggest you check it out.

Microsoft Launch New Mobile Browser (beta)

Microsoft Live Labs just announced that their new mobile browser was now available as a beta version. The browser is called Deepfish (the blue fish is really cool!), and is basically capable of displaying any desktop website.

“The Deepfish Technology Preview enhances existing mobile browsing technologies by displaying content in a view that is closer to the desktop experience. Our zoom-able interface and cue map allow you to quickly access the information you care about over the web without ever losing track of where you are. ”

The browser allows you to zoom in and out, which seems like a pretty nice feature. I’ve seen that kind of feature on a Nokia e50 as well.

I’ve tried to download it but I guess they already ran out of invites…

Via Opera Watch and Cre8asiteforums.

LG To Install Google on Millions of Phones

Google just reached a deal with mobile manufacturer LG to pre-install its search engine and other services on millions of mobile phones.

“Selected LG handsets, pre-installed with Google products and services, will be shipped globally in the second quarter. They will offer one-click access to Google’s search engine as well as Google maps, Gmail and Blogger Mobile.”

This deal is similar to the one Google signed with Samsung in January.

With that kind of pact, Google’s market share in the mobile search arena is just going to increase even more.