SEO: why you need to keep up with the news everyday

I’ve been away for more than a week, while preparing my return to France and taking care of a few things back here. Therefore, I wasn’t able to keep up with what was going on in the SEO world on a daily basis. It took me a few days to catch up with all the posts on SEO blogs, forums and other SEO related resources.

While participating in forums threads recently, I realized that if you’re away for a while, even a day or 2, and aren’t able to keep up with SEO readings, you can really be lost… For example if you weren’t aware of the supplemental results issue in Google, which was mentioned a few times in forums, it will be hard to understand what’s happening and also, let your client know about this issue. I faced this problem and had no idea of what was going on before seeing that others were having the same issue with their sites.

The solution when you’re travelling and don’t have access to a computer: get a good mobile to surf and also the right contract…

6 thoughts on “SEO: why you need to keep up with the news everyday

  1. seoforumz

    I understand your problem more than you think!

    I created a site to make keeping up easier for me, maybe it will be easier for you too with this tool. It’s new, but more to come.

    Check out this site to help you keep up-to-date on all the most popular search engine and SEO blogs and forums from one place…

  2. Nadir Post author

    Very nice concept! I sure can be helpful 🙂 Are you planning to add other feeds for the SEO section? Like DP, Cre8asiteforums, SEroundtable etc?

  3. seoforumz

    Thanks! It has been helpful so far you’re right!

    All the sources you mentioned are there already including your blog!

    Just go to the search page here:

    Drop down the menu that says “Source:” and you can see all the feed sources on the site. Digital Point is in the “search engine forums” cat, I think I have Cre8asite blog and forums listed under Webmaster blog and forums and SERoundtable is under “search engine forums” cat. Your blog is under “SEO blogs” cat.

    The feeds are updated at the same time, so the most recent posts are first, followed by the rest.

    For a complete archive of all articles go here:

    I plan on implementing some really cool features pretty soon along with a featured sources section for the feed source sites I have listed.

  4. seoforumz

    Great posts Irish! You’re right about the future of mobile browsing and mobile SEO. There was a post recently in our forums about mobile seo too.

    I linked to your blog post from the thread, hopefully you drop by and leave your own thoughts on mobile SEO for us to enjoy.

  5. Glenn Grundberg

    Too true, Nadir!

    Get out of step for just a couple of days, and it can be hard to catch up for sure.

    One of the places I visit daily for my blast of news on what’s happening in my industry is

    Those cats keep me tuned up and on top of stuff like no other site.

    I just feed their output via RSS to my Yahoo page, so when I log in, (which I do wherever I may be, no matter what), it’s there in front of me.



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