Google’s K-1 Report Reveals a Few Mobile Search Tidbits

Via John Battelle’s blog, I’ve learned that Google filled its K1-form this week. I wanted to see what Google had to say about Mobile Search in this report and found a few interesing tidbits.

Obviously, Google is underling the fact that mobile phones represents a fundamental development platform:

Mobile phones are a fundamental development platform for us. Many people around the world have their first experience of the internet—and Google—on their mobile phones. We have continued to invest in improving mobile search and have introduced applications that allow users to access search, email, maps, directions and satellite imagery through their mobile devices.

About “the first experience of internet on mobile phones”, this is one of the reasons why Google is trying to expand in third-world countries, where people have access to mobile phones but not to computers. For example, they are willing to buy Portugal Telecom in order to gain users in former five Portugese colonies such as Angola or Cape Verde.

Regarding mobile search ads, Google reports that they have been testing ad placements, but don’t really explain what they have planned for the future. I know that Google Adwords for mobile is live in the US, France, UK, and Germany but am not sure about other countries where it’s (or will be) available.