If you’re a mobile content provider, then you’ll enjoy the new feature available in Google AdWords.
You can now display ads exclusively for the iPhone and Google’s G1. For example, if you are providing games for the iPhone, you can run AdWords Campaigns to only target these users, so you’ll get more targeted users when bidding for “games”, as opposed to buying the keyword “games” for all users (PC users, non-iPhone users, etc)
To do so, you need to do the following in your AdWords account:
To target ads for G1 and iPhone, go to your campaign settings tab in your AdWords account. Then for the “Device Platform” option under “Networks and Bidding,” select “iPhones and other mobile devices with full internet browsers.”
To only target iPhone, G1, and other phones with full HTML browsers, unselect “Destop and laptop computers”. This way only these kind of phones will see your ads.
Also note that if you’re currently running “regular” AdWords campaign, they will be displayed on iPhones, G1s, and other mobile phones with full internet browsers. You’ll need to opt-out in your AdWords account if you do not want to have your ads displayed on these devices.
I wish Google allowed to target even more, for example, only iPhones, only G1’s, etc. This could be very handy for content providers.
Also, I hope that this kind of customization will be applied to organic search, for example giving more weight to sites designed for the iPhone when people are searching from an iPhone…
Source : Google Mobile Blog.
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